Garden of Alchemy
Statement of Intent
Garden of Alchemy is a loving team of entities/spirits that work on behalf of humanity and Mother Earth to reconnect beings back into their Sovereignty. Its intention is to teach, guide and support beings into a life of service, trust and purpose.
Deep Within each being lies a code that will unlock them into the multi-dimensional field of existence. Working with the allies of the plant and animal kingdoms, the entities of the Garden unpack and reconnect you back together so that you can start to live from inner guidance and your own resonance system. This restores individuals’ faith in themselves and in the larger interconnected web or field of intelligence and love that holds infinite possibilities.
Garden of Alchemy has chosen to work through Annabelle and Morten as their souls have developed resilience and a level of surrender that allows them to deeply trust and follow their inner guidance system. This then enables Garden of Alchemy to expand to serve and hold more beings within its garden, which invites creativity, alchemy and co-creation.
We are in times of great healing, purging and facing the shadow while bridging into a higher, lighter state of consciousness. It is through us as humans that new life, ideas and solutions can be brought in so we can create a life on this Earth where we live in harmony with ourselves and each other. The world is transforming beyond our imaginations.
We are the turning point and Garden of Alchemy’s vision is to help you spark alive your vision, guide you through your healing and create a way of being that will upgrade your system to hold more love, empowerment and responsibilities to serve.
The Garden welcomes those wanting to cross over and leave behind outdated patterns of behaviour and to embrace with curiosity, childlike wonder and innocence a new way that creates ease, balance and empowerment. We work with ceremony and ritual to ground you into your being while opening the field to the intelligence of your higher self, guides and light beings who are here to support and love you.

You can bring plant medicines and healing into your daily life.
Explore our selection of top-quality cacao, essential oils, and healing plants.

Participate in our upcoming events and immerse yourself in the benefits of plant medicine, healing circles, therapeutic interventions, and shamanic ceremonies.

A bespoke session or ceremony will offer you the chance to dive deeper into your practice while collaboratively creating an experience that meets your specific needs.
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