Cacao is a complex medicine that has been used for 5,000 years, first harvested in the Amazon Basin. Cultural uses of the plant varied dramatically over the millennia but from the Olmecs, to the Mayans, to the Aztecs it was always treated as a sacred plant. It was considered a gift from the Gods, to be consumed in ceremonial settings.

We work in ceremony so that the space is a container for healing, using various shamanic tools, music, oils, and visualisations. We also do a heart sharing so that everyone can connect with their truth and with each other.


How To Make Ceremonial Cacao (Step by Step with Recipe)
The Art of Making Ceremony with Cacao

Dearest Cacao Lover,
Welcome to this magical journey with one of Mother Nature’s most beautiful
medicines. I simply love working with this Teacher. Cacao is the medicine of the
heart and for me it brings such a soft and profound shift to my life, igniting my
passions and stirring my longings into action.
The great thing about cacao is that there is no one way of experiencing a cacao
ceremony. Sitting in ceremony generates a space to have our soul’s yearnings
heard, shared and met, and half the magic lies in the unknown of bringing yourself
into ceremony and seeing what emerges.
What is cacao?
Cacao is the medicine of the Heart. Its qualities literally raise our vibration. As the powerful and subtle energy of Cacao enters the body, it helps to remove, release and transform any blocks so that more light and energy can flow within the system. It helps us to shift out of the egoic mind and to bring in our higher selves. In this way, we can express a more authentic version of ourselves and experience this being witnessed. These attributes make Cacao a great medicine to use for any psychological, energetic or physical healing.
Where does Cacao come from?
Cacao is a complex medicine that has been used for 5,000 years, first harvested in the Amazon Basin. Cultural uses of the plant varied dramatically over the millennia but from the Olmecs, to the Mayans, to the Aztecs it was always treated as a sacred plant. It was considered a gift from the Gods, to be consumed in ceremonial settings.
It’s no surprise that chocolate is so popular in the Western world. We took what was once a native medicine used to heal and expand the heart and corrupted it out of its ceremonial context, using the cheaper, less pure ingredients of the plant alongside chemicals and refined sugars to create a drug rather than a medicine.
The Cacao History
The history of chocolate begins in Mesoamerica. Fermented beverages made from chocolate date back to 350 BC. The Aztecs believed that cacao seeds were the gift of Quetzalcoatl, the god of wisdom, and the seeds once had so much value that they were used as a form of currency. Originally prepared only as a drink, chocolate was served as a bitter, from a liquid, mixed with spices or corn puree. It was believed to have aphrodisiac powers and to give the drinker strength. Today, such drinks are also known as “Chilate” and are made by locals in the South of Mexico. After its arrival in Europe in the sixteenth century, sugar was added to it and it became popular throughout society, first among the ruling classes and then among the common people. In the 20th century, chocolate was considered essential in the rations of United States soldiers at war.
So many of the original ways and medicines have been corrupted and lost in our modernisation that we no longer feel connected to our lands or our ancestors and we lack the right tools in our communities to facilitate peace, harmony and creation. The resurgence of Cacao points to the fact that our species needs to connect with each other more than ever – and healing always starts within.
I use 100% pure ceremonial grade Cacao from independent Ecuadorian farmers which I infuse with herbs, oils and coconut nectar. Every part of the process is in integrity: using chemical-free lands, supporting the farmers who harvest with traditional methods, and keeping the cost of Cacao sustainable so that it’s available to buy and use. You can purchase our Cacao from our shop Garden of Alchemy Cacao
The Cacao Ceremony
It’s essential to honour and give Cacao its due respect by using it appropriately to help us connect and tap into healing and guidance.
During the ceremony, we drink this health-enhancing elixir together, allowing about 20 minutes for it to take effect. The effects last a few hours but the insights and teachings from Cacao can stay with us forever. We work with intentions and themes that guide the path of the medicine and maintain our awareness of the process. A ceremony can last between 1 – 4 hours, depending on the nature of the intention.
The results
The process of working with Cacao is a beautiful synergy of higher frequencies. Its soft nurturing qualities bring a sense of abundance and energy to each ceremony. Internal conflicts can be resolved with the penetrating truth that this medicine carries. Cacao brings wisdom to our consciousness so that we can process and heal without struggle and suffering.
The effects of Cacao are ever-expanding and awe-inspiring and I have had the pleasure of seeing this medicine work in a myriad of ways:
A warm welcome to this journey
Every process starts with a calling. A calling is when your being literally resonates with the idea of Cacao, hearing it mentioned, or the sound of the word. It is the Plant Kingdom inviting you to connect to your true nature with the help of its interconnected intelligence.
If you’re being called, either through curiosity or the intelligence of your intuition, to experience Cacao – follow that inner voice. I promise it won’t let you down. I have nothing but gratitude and love for this beautiful heart-centred medicine that continues to permeate my life with purpose, connectedness and love.
If you have a project, idea, baby blessing or some other event that you feel needs witnessing, ceremony, love and connection, then please get in touch to create your personal Cacao Ceremony. If you feel called to work with Cacao, you can also come for a one-to-one with me or choose to attend one of the group ceremonies I offer.
You are warmly welcomed to journey with the profoundly heart-healing and connective medicine of Cacao. Let me be your guide on this transformational journey. Reach out and connect here.
How To Make Ceremonial Cacao?
The Best Ceremonial Cacao Recipe
42-48 grams Garden of Alchemy Ceremonial Cacao
200-250ml of water, GOA Together Herbal Tea (don’t boil, or let it cool down for 20 minutes if you do).
2-3 teaspoons of Coconut Sugar
1-2 Drops Essential Oil(We recommend using oils regulated for internal use.)
Spices (Cayenne, ginger, black pepper, salt etc.)
Dried Rose Petals, Super Food etc.
Be creative, but keep it simple. Don’t overload the Cacao with too many different medicines.
1. Preparation: Collect all your ingredients. Clear your environment, smudge, and light a candle. Close your eyes and take deep breaths. Allow your mind to focus on the people participating in the ceremony.
2. Cacao Preparation: Cut the ceremonial cacao into small pieces. Heat the water or tea. If using tea, let it steep thoroughly before use.
3. Mixing: Blend or mix the ceremonial cacao with water/tea, adding coconut sugar. Just before serving, incorporate superfoods, spices, and oils. Taste the mixture at this stage.
4. Ceremony Opening: Bless your cacao. Begin the ceremony with a prayer.
5. Be Creative: Feel free to be creative with the ingredients, but keep it simple. Avoid overloading the cacao with too many different elements. Trust your intuition when crafting the cacao, considering the purpose of the ceremony. Enjoy your Ceremonial Cacao!
A Cacao Ceremony Prayer
Dear Mother Earth, Gaia, Elementals, Ancestors, Angels, Father Sky, Cacao Spirt and any benevolent beings working for the highest good of me.
Please surround me in a golden sphere of protective light, allowing anything that is not for or of me to be removed and anything that is not of the highest vibration to be reflected away from this golden light.
Connect my roots deep into the earth and open my crown to the intelligence of the universal oneness.
Thank you for being with me, guiding my journey, opening my heart and nudging my intuition.
Thank you for existing within nature, foods, sunlight and all weathers. For being where I notice you.
Thank you for the synchronicities and the signs and for connecting me to all that is.
Please guide me to make choices from love, to face the pain I avoid so it can be transmuted, to make small changes towards a new more expansive way of living.
Help me forgive, release and trust in the flow of life. Show me a world where I can bring my gifts and be seen.
My Intention is ……….
Open my heart to Divine Love, And so, it is
Aho x
Partnership with Cacao Amor and Farmers Fund Charity
Garden of Alchemy collaboration with Cacao Amor
Garden of Alchemy is proud to be partnering with Cacao Amor who has sourced and collaborated with local farmers in a remote area of Ecuador. Investing in the highest quality and ethically sourced Cacao, you are supporting small farms and their families flourish. The Cacao trees are thirty to one hundred years old, free from pollutants, heavy metals and are never sprayed with any nasty pesticides. These farms are small and family run, and we make sure they are paid more than the set trading price of cacao beans.
The process is overseen from tree to bean to bar. The amazing taste and recipe of this High-Grade Cacao is created within the genetics of Cacao Fino y de Aroma – Baleo, maintaining and reproducing ancestral varieties to deliver a Cacao with unique profiles, aromas and health benefits!
For more information about sourcing visit Cacao Amor
As we believe that health starts from the source not only do we guarantee the best Cacao. For every bar sold £1 goes towards education, support and nurturing of the ecological farms. By purchasing this Cacao, you are preserving habitat and improving the quality of life of those who protect and care for it.

You can bring plant medicines and healing into your daily life.
Explore our selection of top-quality cacao, essential oils, and healing plants.

Participate in our upcoming events and immerse yourself in the benefits of plant medicine, healing circles, therapeutic interventions, and shamanic ceremonies.

A bespoke session or ceremony will offer you the chance to dive deeper into your practice while collaboratively creating an experience that meets your specific needs.
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