My mission on this earth is to be in the deepest service of the heart.

In life, at times it’s so easy to stay on the familiar path. Sometimes the circumstances of our lives make us feel like victims, keeping us stuck in playing small. And even if you know it’s time for change. it can be hard and lonely on your own.

When you find the right person that can help you, see you and guide you through your challenges, your life will change before your eyes. Find the person you truly resonate with, and you can rebuild the foundations of your life from the ground up.

Many of us have wounding around this. Maybe it was the sports coach or the teacher in school you didn’t truly feel seen by.

But it only takes one to see you.

Maybe you feel like having support is a sign of weakness. In our culture, we often receive the message as men that we should be able to make it alone. But the patterns that are deeply ingrained within you are like the foundational bricks of your house – that’s tough to change by yourself.

Everything changed when I reached out for support.

Everything shifted when I chose my teachers.

In that moment of choice, I took action and chose to believe in myself.

My sessions blends shamanic practices, embodied presence & therapeutic interventions

When you choose to own your power and reach for the highest potential of you, I am here to support you to:

  •  Let go of habits and addictions that are holding you back.
  •  Explore old shadows and beliefs.
  •  Build a strong foundation.
  •  Work on attraction, relationships and sexuality.
  •  Start owning your value and power.
  •  Bring clarity in your offerings to this world, connecting to your life’s work.
  •  Live from the heart and the body, feeling a deeper sense of embodiment.
  •  Let go of patterns of pleasing and co-dependency, living from your own truth and unique expression.
  •  Open up to deeper realms of meaning, spirituality and connection with nature.
  •  Find your stillness and live from a place of presence.

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Pain is the Gateway

Your pain is the gateway to absolute freedom. Your pain has created you and has brought you to the point of your personal hero/heroine’s journey.

I have deep compassion for where you are at. I have walked the path of deep pain.

At times I lived in deep despair and total loneliness. The option of death was knocking at my door.

This was my disconnection from love. This was a lack of nurture and nature.

At times, all hope fell away, but as I reconnected with nature, ceremony, meaning and ancestral wisdom, the pain slowly faded.

Until it became an old memory and a story of the past.

I would like to offer you the perspective that now is your opportunity to recreate and remember the deepest truth of who you are.

Your soul’s essence is an absolute gift to this world. Love is your birthright.

I deeply trust that you will recognise what key I might hold for you, but only you can open the door.


Insights into my path and passions:

    • Initiated with Shipibo Maestro Don Enrique.
    • Apprentice of the Q’ero linage with Elle Chaska.
    • Advanced Kambo Practitioner with IAKP and Matses linage.
    • Facilitator of Sacred Fungi Ceremonies.
    • Facilitator of Grandmother Ceremonies.
    • Plant Diets with Oak, Noya Rao & Marosa.
    • Ceremonial Fire Keeper.
    • Apprentice of Runes and Norse Mythology.
    • A decade of Tantric Practices.
    • A decade of Men’s Work.
    • Studying Counselling.
    • Practitioner of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.
    • Practitioner of Yoga.
    • A lover of hiking in nature.
Noya Rao

In Ceremony, I am a highly intuitive facilitator, offering a strong, gentle and loving presence.

My Invitation to you

We all have our hero’s journey to make. Life is an initiation and an opportunity to experience the divine through human form.

Work with nature and connect with the ancient ones. Remember where you came from.
Follow your deepest truth and break the chains of conditioning and old programs.

I call you. I call your greatness. I call for your healing and reawakening to your Souls Purpose, so we together can be in service of the great mystery that gave us life.

Do you hear the Call?

Kambo Ceremony

Kambo is one of the strongest natural anti-inflammatory, antibiotic, antimicrobial and anaesthetic substances on the planet and one of the most powerful, natural ways to strengthen the immune system.

Earth Medicine Ceremony

Earth Medicines are the original, uncorrupted support tools that were gifted to us by Mother Earth to assist us with our health, healing and the awakening of our consciousness.
The origin of Earth Medicines ranges from plants and minerals to animals.
There is now a great longing in the people to know the truth and to reconnect. With this has come a huge resurgence of interest in Plant Medicines and indigenous teachings.

Rune Divination

If you are seeking guidance, have a burning question or are curious about rune divination this is for you. Together we will journey through the worlds with the beat of a drum, calling in the ancient ones, and connect and communicate with the divine.

Fire Ceremony

I have been initiated by Grandfather Fire. When I create a Sacred Fire I love using foraged and collected materials. Together we will forage, then learn ancient techniques to build and keep our sacred fire. Allowing ourselves to be taught by the sacred element.

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