Integration Session
If you are serious about change and plant medicine comes onto your path, respect this powerful wisdom. Give it space and planning so it can be properly integrated into your life and your being.
These sessions emerge out of my own experience of a deep need for holding and integration after many plant medicine ceremonies. Plant medicine is hitting the Western world at a huge speed: what was once an indigenous medicine or even seen as a drug is now being recognized by many leading therapists and scientists as medicine with possible cures for all sorts of problems. The FDA in America even came out to say that the use of mushrooms is proven to reduce depression. Read more here.
What they don’t tell you at a plant medicine ceremony
What they often don’t tell you at a plant medicine journey is that you will need time, attention and support to help you integrate the experience and get the most benefit out of it. I have seen so many people journey with plant medicine and have no integration, let alone time to process the journey before they are onto the next thing or plunged back into routine life.
I think this can sometimes do more harm than good – and it can even be really dangerous. I have seen the need for integration even with those medicines which are not psychedelic. I work with Kambo and Cacao as my main medicines and have witnessed people journeying with these open up and crack through old programming, leaving them vulnerable and sometimes lost, with no holding or means of navigating the experience.
We should never underestimate the teachings and wisdom one can receive in a plant medicine journey – or even the horror and shock. After the initial glow period common to the post-plant medicine experience, there is a tendency to return to old patterns and need another hit to regain that perspective. My belief is that these medicines do not want us to become dependent on them but to catalyse us into empowering ourselves. To do that, we need to integrate.
My journey with plant medicines
I journeyed with Ayahuasca for a few years. This sacred plant took me on trips where I was shown how to heal, grow and bring my medicine to myself. I spent 3 years integrating all that I had experienced with Mother Ayahuasca, using a whole host of modalities, recovery practices, self-care and spiritual disciplines.
My Bufo trip took a whole year to integrate and was really the medicine that taught me the power of integration. From here, I continued to work with Kambo and Cacao, also seeing the need for integration and an understanding of what it is these medicines were bringing into my life.
I give thanks for these beautiful offerings which allowed me to weave my mind, body and spirit learnings into a healthier way of life. It was from this place that I created The Garden of Alchemy with the intention of serving others.

What I offer
I offer a space to have your journey heard; a space where you can make sense of what has moved and been revealed so that you can create an integration system for yourself. Through my holding, you will be able to use the wisdom of the plants the way it was intended: to create a life of love and expansion.
Often, the subconscious is brought to the conscious in the form of stories or emotional experience. I will provide a safe environment where we can read into these messages together so you can start to understand yourself better and to make changes in your life. I also use gentler plant medicines in the form of essential oils whose subtle vibrations can help us to make subtle yet long-lasting changes.
The more pre- and post– work you do around these medicines, the more you will see real changes in your life. Remember that these medicines often work in multi-dimensional consciousness and their intelligence is far superior to ours. We need to decode the information and bring it into this dimension if we are to see a transformation in our reality.
I am happy to work with you in these sessions if you have journeyed in any ceremonial plant medicine experience. I can also offer you a session before your journey with plant medicine, providing a place to set intentions, get grounded and mentally healthy and deal with any fears that are presenting themselves.
What happens in an integration session?
The sessions are 90 minutes long and are held face to face or through an online video call. Usually, 1-2 sessions are sufficient after a plant journey. I will provide you with written informational material before and after the session.
During our time together, we will inquire into and reflect on your experience, extracting the gems and lessons. We will create a self–care program for you to bring into your daily life which will support you to make sense of your experience and get clarity on how to move forward.
This is inclusive of pre– and post– preparation work to help you maximise your time with me and to begin to integrate your sessions.
My intention is to empower you to learn from the plants and ground them through the body and into form.
Connect with me here to find out more or book your Integration Session today.
My vision and Intention
My heart’s desire is to live in a world where people are willing and able to take full responsibility for their lives and choices. When responsibility is owned and blame stops, so does war, be it internal or external. The path to self-responsibility is a journey and along the way we all need support and guidance.
To be able to hold more and more self-responsibility, we need to not be living from fear. To step out of living in fear, we need to heal.
My intention is to work with the energies that are needed to help others root into their true nature. I desire to be of support and guidance to those seeking to expand, grow, heal and function at a higher level than they have previously known.
I see growth as a spiral that’s in constant movement. As we heal, unblock, release, acknowledge and become more aware, we move. We gain more connection, love, compassion, clarity and direction.
My intention is to help unlock the wisdom that already resides within you as I hold a space for transformation and rebalancing to occur.


4 Month Kambo Immersion

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