Intention setting

Intention Has the Power to Change Your Life—Here’s How

An intention is important because it shows us how incredibly
powerful we are.
Intentions are a single important act of free will
that we as humans can make. With intention, you set in motion
a request and a choice to have everything in you modified, so that
you can taste and experience your dream for yourself.
It really doesn’t matter what tools you
use – therapy, art, plant medicine, or a photo shoot. It is in
your intention that you ignite the momentum to fulfil your soul’s

An intention is the legacy you leave when you find what is
most important to you and start living in accordance with that
value. If you want to foster a legacy of peace, you intend to
lead your life with a peaceful heart, mind, and attitude. If you
desire to lead a life of determination, you may intend to be
resolute in your actions and thoughts.
Intentions differ for each person and may change with time as
we redefine and fine tune.

How do you identify intentions for your experience?
In the search for your purpose and what truly matters to you,
you need look no further than your own mind and heart,
whether you’re setting an immediate, short-term, or life-long

How to set an intention:
Read through this document fully before finding some time to
go in and connect with yourself.
Take 15-30 min to sit in silence, breathe, place your hand on
your heart and ask yourself: “What is my intention for this session or ceremony?”
Then take some time to drop into this question by doing the

  • Contemplate
  • Meditate
  • Be open
  • Listen to yourself
  • Trust
  • Love

Remember, the more time you give yourself to do this, the
richer the experience will be.
Whatever your answers, find the ones that are the most deeply
present for you and write them down. Always return to your
core values. What do you value in life? Keep these as the
bedrock of all your answers.

Ex. I want to feel more connected to my body and emotions.
Ex. I want to clear blockages to feel trust and acceptence in my life.
Ex. I wanna be more open from the heart.
Ex. I know myself very well. I have done a lot of insight.
Ex. Yes about family, connections and honesty.
Ex. I want to me comfortable.
Ex. My intention is ...

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