Choose Love

The choices we make are a paintbrush we use to paint the colour on our lives. Choices are a picture showing ‘how’ we create this life. All our choices have created the picture you now sit in. Look at your life.


Zoom out. See the picture you have created. I like to see our lives as a movie or a book with chapters. Is it good movie? Read? What’s happening at the current point in the journey? They say life is lived as a reflection of how much you loved and were loved.


How many of these choices that we made came from a place of love, courage, joy, a willingness to change, grow, and evolve? Or how many of them rose from fear, scarcity, and a need to fix, control, or escape one’s life?


In Buddhism they talk a lot about being in service, of living a life of good actions, good deeds. I believe in choices made from love. Or Dharma. Good actions. Every moment we are presented with choice. Our minds love to live in duality.


Good, bad, right, wrong, yes, no. And yet to be conscious means taking control of what you can and letting go of what you can’t. And of course, learning to know the difference. In this moment we can choose to breathe a little deeper, feel our hearts, meet life as it is.


Or we can choose to escape, manipulate, and control reality, numbing out, using addictions, or contriving control others. Life is an accumulation of choices. With each choice, almost seeming like a little signup in our neurology.


It’s a junction point in a pathway. Over time, the pathways build to create whole neurological networks of wiring, passing information down highways intersecting each other. And, what’s crazy is not only do our choices alter and create our neurology this in turn creates our perception which in turn determines our entire nervous system.


Our nervous system governs our hormones and our health etc. So, simply put our choices are everything. In fact I believe they are the one true gift of being alive. Our freedom is to flex the muscle of choice and even more simply put there is only ever really one choice which is to choose this moment fully. When we let go of fighting with reality we step out of fear. Love rushes in and our cognition and experience are gifted to us. Life becomes a gift; a lesson; a revelation. When people say choose love, I believe this is what they mean.


It’s simply asking, does this choice bring me closer to the truth of now or move me further away. And though choice feels like an act of willpower at first it can be a conscious act, an exercise mostly to break out of the habits of fearful programming, of those autopilot choices. Over time you realise that willpower is only ever needed to put the brakes on, to stop you deciding from fear.


Once you are in a state of love, not fear, it is almost as if the intelligence of love chooses you, and you find the choices seem to be made through you. It’s as if a higher power is working through you. Choose love.




My intention is to work with the energies that are needed to help others root into their true nature. I desire to be of support and guidance to those seeking to expand, grow, heal and function at a higher level than they have previously known.