Garden of Alchemy was created with integration in mind. After journeying with earth medicines for some years, I experienced a deep need for holding and support transitioning back into daily life. I learnt how to integrate the teachings of deep medicines, and on this...
Journey to Peru: Following the Call of the Jungle and Embracing Transformation Half a year ago I was preparing myself for Peru. I was on my way to study with Shipibo Maestro Don Enrique in the jungle outside Iquitos. My heart was calling me on, and it was happening so...
Embrace the Present Breaking Free from the Illusion of Time and Finding True Harmony Time has such a grip on our perception of reality. We live as if it governs us, forgetting that we create our perception, and that creates our reality. As ever, to refer to...
Choose Love The choices we make are a paintbrush we use to paint the colour on our lives. Choices are a picture showing ‘how’ we create this life. All our choices have created the picture you now sit in. Look at your life. Zoom out. See the picture you have...
Conscious activism. A path of real change. We can say we do things for others, but truly everything from the ego is for ‘I’. The highest good comes from a place beyond ‘you’ and ‘I’. To be in service at this level, you need to be a vessel and sovereign in your...
If you were designed to quantum jump this lifetime, then let me help you design the springboard and landing pad to help you make that shift. We are all designed to grow and change. This lifetime we are living in times of rapid ascension. To understand the process of...