The Year Of the Wood Dragon 2024

The Year Of the Wood Dragon 2024

As we sit at the dawn of a new cycle, we gather in community to make sacred the path of our lives, to honour the cycles of time that govern our lands, and to attune to the frequencies that are present in the marker of this day, the day of the Wood Dragon.   Wood...
The medicine of the Blue Tit

The medicine of the Blue Tit

The blue tits flash by while I’m in a moment of rest, my eyes softly observing the trees. Their presence has an almost instant uplifting energy response in my being, like little shots of joy. Their existence sparks such a sweet and delicate cocktail of felt...
The Gateway of Solstice

The Gateway of Solstice

The winter solstice is akin to the dark night of the soul. As the darkness creeps in, we are moved inwards. This is a period of time available to us that holds the deepest of truths. What lies here in the darkest reaches of our soul? What unknown fears can we lay at...
How To Make Ceremonial Cacao

How To Make Ceremonial Cacao

Ceremonial Cacao Recipe Ceremonial Cacao is a beautiful gift, and our goal is to share its love generously. Purchase the Cacao, follow the ceremonial recipe, and spread this heart-opening elixir with as many friends as possible. Ceremonial Cacao Recipe Ingredients:...
My Full Moon Journey With Darkness

My Full Moon Journey With Darkness

This full moon has brought me to some of the hardest feelings I have ever felt. Yes, I get triggered and activated like all of us, but sometimes I feel different. I am shocked by the depths I go down to, and what is revealed there. Yesterday, I followed the sensation...