Wisdom of the Womb

November 11th-12th, 2023 @ 10:00 am – 6:00 pm 

Isfield, East-Sussex

Cost: £400

Wisdom of the Womb

Weekend of Medicine for women facilitated by Annabelle Nicoll & Aimee Isra Wolf.

This two day retreat will leave you feeling, soft, nurtured, held and safe. Come and be in a beautiful rural location in the company of other women. Two days of embodied practices, relaxation and healing. We will go deep with the sacred medicines Kambo and Cacao. A journey to clear blockages, open our heart and womb space and soften into our inner truth.

You are invited to let go into the unknown on this deep dive into the heart of your womb and the wisdom that it is speaking to you. Welcoming all of you and where ever you are at into this intimate safe space. As women we hold the whole world within us. Every answer you seek, longing you crave and need you desire is within you, the only secret is learning how to access this. The womb is where creation lies and is the source of all life force energy arises. As we learn to tap into this potent guide within we learn to access ourselves at a deeper level than one can imagine.

Working within a container the weekend is intended to take you on a journey to help you receive the gifts that are waiting for you to unearth.

There is magic waiting and as women we are the weavers of our destiny.

What to Expect?

We start the weekend on Saturday. Gathering in prayer and meditation to access our truth and to voice our intended reason for feeling the call to this portal of discovery. We allow the Spirit of Kambo to work in a deep and profound way. Breaking for a delicious nourishing vegan lunch. On Sunday we will journey with Womb Kambo, a gentle yet deep way of meeting the Spirit of Kambo. We will spend the afternoon in sharing circle with music and a deep Cacao Ceremony to help you access the joy within.

The ceremony is set in a beautiful rural location where you will have a chance to really let go of any stress and unwind with nature. The space is deeply holding with comfort and restoration being the focus of the day. There will be medicinal teas and essential oils and plant medicines throughout the weekend. This is truly a sumptuous retreat of plant medicines.

You may choose to sleep over in shared facilities or camping on the grounds, but the weekend is not specifically intended for this.


Kambo Ceremony, Saturday

Our journey starts with an open circle and intention setting. Here we will explore what to expect, the history of Kambo and we will share why we feel called to work with these allies. Please arrive in good time.
Kambo is a powerful ally in clearing the blocks that hold us back, whether on a physical health level or in our lives. Kambo can bring purification and clarity.
We will finish up by 4pm-6pm in the afternoon. The invitation is to give yourself the gift of rest and recovery after the ceremony.

Womb Kambo Ceremony, Sunday

To be held in the womb is to be held at the beginning
A soft, gentle, warm and nurturing environment awaits you on this journey.
Unlike traditional Kambo, this is a space that invites in all the senses even before the medicine is served. We open up this time(around two hours) for you to drop deeply into yourself, relax the body and mind and arrive into presence. A heart-opening ceremony, warm fire, beautiful smells and herbal medicine teas.
In preparing the body and mind to receive this medicine, we set intentions, release expectations and call in the assistance of the Kambo Spirit to guide us to where we need to go and what we need to see and experience.

Each journey is unique and we set a large container of time so that you can really dive in and have the experience you need. This is a non-purgative process, unlike traditional Kambo.
We are working with micro-dose amounts over a long time period while lying down. The medicine can evoke memories, emotions and sensations. Although Kambo is non-psychedelic, just like a shamanic journey, you may also see some visuals. You can go as deep as you are willing to surrender.

Although this is a microdose amount it can still be a very potent frog medicine journey and we ask you to fill out a health form to see that you are safe to take. Not only will Kambo create a deep healing experience for you, it is also a rich peptide medicine strengthening your immune system, helping you gather insights and strength to heal and resolve anything that needs addressing in your life.

Cacao Ceremony, Sunday

On Sunday afternoon we dive into a beautiful heart opening Cacao ceremony to call in inspiration and love into your bodies. Cacao is a beautiful medicine to help integrate your morning journey and to bring you into a community space where love becomes the guide. There will be some movement and games to help you access the joy and pleasure that is our birth right to feel. You will leave healed, opened and softened with new perspective and direction in your life.

Cacao is the medicine of the Heart. Its qualities literally raise our vibration. As the powerful and subtle energy of cacao enters the body, it helps to remove, release and transform any blocks. During the ceremony, we drink this health-enhancing elixir together, allowing about 20 minutes for it to take effect. The effects last a few hours but the insights and teachings from Cacao can stay with us forever.
The process of working with Cacao is a beautiful synergy of higher frequencies. Its soft nurturing qualities bring a sense of abundance and energy to each ceremony. The effects are ever-expanding and awe-inspiring.

Soul Retrival

You will be offered a bespoke private 1-1 soul retrieval with shamanic medicine woman Isra Wolfe to remove ancestral or past life womb trauma during the weekend, this entails bringing the lost soul part back.

Integration Call

We will have an two hour online integration call on Sunday 7th May 10am.

Meet the facilitators


Annabelle’s Intention

I work with the medicines of Kambo and Cacao to get to the core of what needs to be understood psychological, energetic or physical.

Bringing forth into our consciousness what needs to be made aware, there is the opportunity for transformation and release creating space for your Divine self to take space. Alongside the potent qualities of these medicines, I drop each person into a deep, relaxed state. This turns on the parasympathetic system so that each individual can feel grounded and safe. My belief is we are self-healing beings and given the right conditions we can understand, feel, release and restore ourselves to optimal health and pure love.

I work in ceremony so that the space is a container for healing, using various shamanic tools, music, oils, and visualisations. There is also time for verbal sharing so that everyone can connect with their truth and with each other. In this way, we co-create a space that is authentic, healing, creative and inspirational. We work with consciously chosen intentions and allow the Medicines to work in alignment with your wishes for your journey – you can go as deeply or as gently as you want.

My intention is that you leave the days ceremony altered in some way for the better, lighter, more connected and able to meet the world with your heart and womb leading the way.

Isra Wolf

I am Isra, shamanic practitioner & kambo practitioner. I am here to assist you & guide you on your journey to self….I am here to show you the amazingness of your own being, to re connect you to self & the life you want ~ Through Trauma to oneness.

I self taught for many years reading books and learning from others. I started using plant medicines to assist me and help me build on my understanding and knowledge within. I once read a great quote ‘by knowing ourselves we know others’ and that resonated with me. I then went on to learn Temenos Touch with Evelyn Brodie and her Husband George Christie, a transformational healing therapy which honours the traditions of the Peruvian Shamans Alberto Villoldo and Simon Buxton. I also completed Kambo Practitioner training with the International Association of Kambo Practitioners. Kambo has been supporting me throughout my journey helping to support and realign me back to my true self, it has truly grounded me and made me a stronger version of my self. 

I now love to pass on my experience to support others with their journeys through the therapies that I offer.

Previous Womb Wisdom Experiences

I felt welcome, seen, heard and held.
It’s like a homecoming being at the garden of Alchemy. In the presence of Annabelle I feel her open heart, wisdom, multi-dimensional experience and compassion. I enjoyed her sense of humour also.

The sisterhood of the group touched me positively and also surprised me in its genuine wisdom filled nature. It was a privilege to spend the weekend with grounded wise, open, women who are really doing their work.


I liked the level of communication, I had some questions as it was my first time doing Kambo and obviously there was a little intrepidation and this was met quickly with care and compassion and with a very relaxed energy.
I also experienced the medicine working in the lead up to the ceremony weekend. I was skilfully guided through this by Annabelle. I experienced challenges personally and Annabelle guided me and held the challenges and me beautifully. I felt very safe and heard. Kambo for me is an incredible teacher, I am so dedicated to journeying with Kambo more. It showed me stuff that was in plain site but had been hidden in the shadows. I had been feeling sp much pain. Annabelle guided me to see these possibilities and offered some questions, some things that I hadn’t seen. I am very grateful and am in a process of learning and integrating.
It was incredible, again because I was aware of the safety of the container before i came in (during preparation stage) I was able to relax, feeling safe and held.
Lots of stuff came up for my process. I couldn’t have felt safer. The integration guidance was beyond anything I had ever experienced previously.
I can’t recommend this part enough. Annabelle is very wise, skill full and I feel very held by her. I am looking forward to working with her more.
The session with Idra the Shaman was perfect. Also the yoga session brought me into my body in a way which related to my session. It was so perfect.
The micro dose day was equally as powerful, I received so many downloads. It was blissful for me.


In terms of the group experience, each of the sisters shares was relevant and powerful medicine for my own experience.

I experienced a sense of sisterhood, I have made some beautiful and powerful connections.
I am so grateful.
I have booked my next session already. The integration guidance was beyond anything I had ever experienced previously.
I can’t recommend this part enough. Annabelle is very wise, skill full and I feel very held by her. I am looking forward to working with her more. I want to reflect on why I found the experience so powerful. In terms of facilitation. I personally loved Annabelle’s humanness, her humour, her love and respect. There is a humility that is refreshing.


Wisdom of the Womb

November 11th-12th, 2023 @ 10:00 am – 6:00 pm 

Isfield, East-Sussex

Cost: £400

By booking with Garden of Alchemy Limited you agree with the Cancellation Policy & Disclaimer.

Sacred Kambo Ceremony

June 17th, 2023 @ 10:00 am - 4:00 pm
Isfield, East-Sussex

Cost: £122

Sacred Kambo Ceremony

June 17th, 2023 @ 10:00 am - 4:00 pm
Isfield, East-Sussex

Cost: £122

Sacred Kambo Ceremony

September 16th, 2023 @ 10:00 am - 4:00 pm
Isfield, East-Sussex

Cost: £122

Sacred Kambo Ceremony

October 21st, 2023 @ 10:00 am - 4:00 pm
Isfield, East-Sussex

Cost: £122

Wisdom of the Womb

November 11th-12th, 2023 @ 10:00 am - 6:00 pm
Isfield, East-Sussex

Cost: £444

Sacred Kambo Ceremony

November 25th, 2023 @ 10:00 am - 4:00 pm
Isfield, East-Sussex

Cost: £122