Garden of Alchemy

Embark on a transformative journey of healing and personal growth through the power of earth medicines and holistic practices.


You can bring plant medicines and healing into your daily life.
Explore our selection of top-quality cacao, essential oils, and healing plants.


Participate in our upcoming events and immerse yourself in the benefits of plant medicine, healing circles, therapeutic interventions, and shamanic ceremonies.


A bespoke session or ceremony will offer you the chance to dive deeper into your practice while collaboratively creating an experience that meets your specific needs.


A Course in The Art of Holding

Are you ready to transform? This course marks a journey through the rebirth cycle of deeper space holding. In this container you’ll be Held in a restorative Winter, creating new offers in Spring. This October, you are invited to retreat into a deep container of being held, release your fears, and rebirth as a powerful practitioner in March.

14 weeks, delivered over 5months, this is a journey home to soul-led creativity.

Using the power of the seasons we will journey through 14 weeks of space holding in a way that prepares you to birth transformational offerings that exist beyond any modality, and are a unique connection to you. Each half of the course is a journey through the polarity of being held yourself and holding others. This isn’t just a training course, it’s a journey with your soul’s mission to walk your unique path of service.


The Sovereign Hive is a journey of self-discovery, where we peel back the layers to reveal our inner light. Annabelle leads with wisdom and deep compassion as the Hive sanctuary encourages us to unpack our shadows with radical self-love and create new ways of being. Through her gentle guidance, we plant seeds of growth by integrating our darkness and embracing our wholeness. Within this nourishing community, we blossom into our highest selves, our roots deepen as we learn to hold ourselves with tenderness, and we bloom into beings who can hold space for others with an open heart. By coming home to ourselves, we become beacons that illuminate the path for those seeking their own light.


Want to Know More?

Elemental Immersion

A Guided Micro-Dosing Course

Micro-dosing is a powerful way to shift our chemistry while remaining functional. It ability to disrupt the programming patterns allows us to get some insight into our sub-conscious workings. Its powerful ability to enhance creativity while elevating one out of heavy states of consciousness. It can be used to address most areas of one’s life from anxiety, depression, addictions, issues of low self-worth, repeating self- sabotaging patterns and to just find a more harmonious and elevated state of being.

Working with the fungi there is a strong pull to find your own nature, to be in nature and to connect with nature.

We believe when guided in a group the medicine has a magical quality. We have designed this programme over the last four years and with the Sacred Fungi themselves. Working with the fungi there is a strong pull to find your own nature, to be in nature and to connect with nature. Because of this we have created a structure based on the five elements and will use each weeks zoom call as a Ceremony to dive into that element and how it relates to your life. We will guide you how to prepare and take your Plant Medicines and have space for questions, reflections and sharing’s.

On booking you will receive a Medicine box with everything you need for this journey. There will be a Signal group and online platform full of resources and guidance for your learnings.


Annabelle and Morten created such a safe and nurturing container for the seven-week elemental immersion course. The content, both written and verbal, was powerful, insightful and truly thought-provoking. Each week we had a call guided by Annabelle and Morten, but where all course participants got to share. So much learning came from this. But so much more came from my own inward journey, one that I couldn’t have done without their teaching. The course has made me see not only my healing but the world in a whole different way.

Fiona de Glanville

Want to know more?


Cacao is the medicine of the Heart. Its qualities literally raise our vibration. As the powerful and subtle energy of cacao enters the body, it helps to remove, release and transform any blocks.

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Earth Medicine

Earth Medicines are the original, uncorrupted support tools that were gifted to us by Mother Earth to assist us with our health, healing and the awakening of our consciousness. 

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Kambo is a powerful ally to clearing the blocks that hold us back, whether on a physical health level or in our lives. It brings purification and clarity.

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Fiona de Glanville
Fiona de Glanville
Annabelle and Morton created such a safe and nurturing container for the seven-week elemental immersion course. The content, both written and verbal, was powerful, insightful and truly thought-provoking. Each week we had a call guided by Annabelle and Morton, but where all course participants got to share. So much learning came from this. But so much more came from my own inward journey, one that I couldn’t have done without their teaching. The course has made me see not only my healing but the world in a whole different way.
Luke Newton-Mason
Luke Newton-Mason
I've had the pleasure of working with annabelle on her phoenix from the ashes program and have found the whole process life-changing. Annabelle is the sort of medicine women who is able to identify exactly what it is that you need to unearth and heal within yourself in such a beautiful way. I would recommend garden of alchemy to anybody who is hungry for deep healing and transformation! These people have the purest of intentions and they are an honour to work with.
Nev O'Neill
Nev O'Neill
Authentic, compassionate, wise and true. Morten and Annabelle are Golden.
Freya Robinson
Freya Robinson
I had an incredible ceremony with Annabelle & Morten - you couldn’t ask for kinder, gentler and more welcoming people. Felt incredibly safe, held and listened to throughout. Would highly recommend anyone thinking about participating to go for it. You will not be disappointed.
Lewis Souter
Lewis Souter
In these precarious times I feel very blessed to be able to meet the frog and have this phenomenal experience. Morten and Annabelle hold such a beautiful, free and safe space which helped me not only open up to the collective but also open up to myself. Not once did I feel uncomfortable, alone or fearful during the ceremony and this was down to their great guidance. Thank you both for opening my eyes to better way of understanding ones true self.
Gabriella -gd
Gabriella -gd
Annabelle and Morten are amazing human beings, truly. I had the most beautiful 1-1 Kambo Ceremony with Annabelle, everything flows so naturally and she held the space in the most vibrant and healing way. I felt safe and held. I was able to work with my intentions and purge deeply, all of the energy that was no longer serving. I am full of gratitude for the journey I was taken on from start to finish, Annabelle's beautiful and gentle yet strong presence is so comforting and you feel a real sense of warmth, which allows you to go as deep as you need to. Kambo is a healing tool that really allows you to release and let go. There's something so precious about this Plant Medicine, it also makes you feel more aligned with the magical force of nature. The Cacao paste is also deliciously soothing for the soul and nurturing, along with the beautiful Wild Orange essence oil and the Balance essence oils- making you feel grounded, conscious and present. Thank you so much for my beautiful awakening and enlightenment, Viva Kambo!
Barbara Ferreira
Barbara Ferreira
I have had the most incredible experience with Annabelle and Morten on a Kambo ceremony that they have held so beautifully. As soon I enter the space I was warmly greeted and I could feel a calm, special vibration. All throughout the ceremony I felt so much love and support that helped me to truly dive in to this beautiful medicine with so much presence completely surrender to its magic. Annabelle's wisdom, her warrior spirit yet gentle and sweet are out of this world. I couldn't recommend her enough! And Morten too such a beautiful soul too! I can't wait for my next medicine ceremony with them! Thank you both for a beautiful experience!
It has taken me a long time to process this. It was a powerful experience that happened a few weeks before the lockdown, around 4 months ago. I feel it working even now. Annabelle was so kind and went out of her way to make sure it happened at the exact time I needed it after I messaged her. By chance and coincidence we ended up in a 1:1 which is something I would not have chosen - because I thought I would feel more comfortable amongst a group. I am introverted and self-conscious but there I was able to open up about exactly why I was there in a loving presence, without judgement whatsoever. She chose points that corresponded to my needs, and she sat with me and guided me the whole time. The lessons are still unfolding. After the restrictions I know I will meet with her again to continue the journey. If you are seeking this medicine I cannot recommend her enough. Thankyou xx
Shakira Brinley Codd
Shakira Brinley Codd
I attended a wonderful cacao ceremony with Annabelle this year. It was a magical, sacred space that she created for me to try her divine, beautiful, ethically soured cacao. She catered to all the senses with the ritual and indeed I felt very welcome and safe. Annabelle was so welcoming and made me feel at ease while delving deep into my conscious and unconscious mind to open my heart to this sacred ceremonial cacao. It was an amazing experience and I was left feeling awakened, revived and complete. We discussed many things and I found peace with her gentle guidance. I would highly recommend Annabelle if you wish to experience this lovely medicine in a beautiful life affirming way. Thank you Annabelle. This was an experience I will always carry with me.

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