Conscious activism. A path of real change.


We can say we do things for others, but truly everything from the ego is for ‘I’. The highest good comes from a place beyond ‘you’ and ‘I’. To be in service at this level, you need to be a vessel and sovereign in your field.


Our work as changemakers is not about healing in a traditional sense of ‘making better’, taking away the pain, or somehow restoring oneself to a previous state. Deep service is the practice of unconditional love and compassion without attachment to outcome.


It is the transmission of truth in the moment, and it is the medicine of light in the darkness. One illuminated person in a field of fearful, scared people can lead the way to salvation. To be in conscious activism requires recognition of where you are in each moment, and a commitment to show your truth.


Have you disconnected and merged with your pain-body, operating from an egoic program? Attachment is usually an indicator of this. Ask yourself, am I fighting reality right now? Am I pushing or pulling for a projected outcome? Do my actions have an agenda? Do I prefer an outcome without being fixed, attached, or righteous about it? Can I trust in a higher plan? Can I play my part without taking the role of God?


Is my existence defined by what I do rather than how I am? Am I trying to control my reality?


God grant me

The serenity to accept the things I cannot change,

The courage to change the things I can,

And the wisdom to know the difference.


When one finds themselves in honesty, the truth will emerge. The act of self-awareness is the power to return you to the light and a place of power. May I remember that as I heal myself, I adapt the way I am operating and orienting, I am inquiring to find the source of truth, and detect that which is not true. Healing becomes ironically quite a dualistic paradox.


I am either asleep, or awake, conscious, or unconscious, serving, or parasitically taking. I am either being run by the program on an autopilot, or I am in a state of openness and surrender. I believe to be conscious is a state of activism.


I believe it is a radical path and not just for the enlightened masters but for a whole new wave of awakening humans on this planet. It is not what we do but where we come from that defines whether we are awake or asleep.


As we shift our perspective we emerge from the illusions and distortions of our own reality. We begin to see that we create our own realities through our own choices. As we become aware of this power, we begin to put the brakes on making decisions, unless we are in an open, surrendered and trusting state.


We cannot trust our minds to take us to any state of clarity, as we begin to realise the limitations of our mind and the state of ego. Reason, though mind, is a mind connected to the body’s wisdom of felt truth. It resonates at a higher state of consciousness and can only be accessed from a deeply resourced and connected state.


Reason is truth in reason. It is the universal field of love in transmission. Logic and reason are as different as light and dark. We cannot compare them, but to understand the source of where they come from, we can touch on the energetic field of love and the magnetic field of the heart and our capacity to allow our hearts to be the source of our existence.


When we access and live from love, reason is gifted to us. Our hearts expand our consciousness, and truth has space in which to flood our system and move through us in the form of creative expression.


We have become guided by our own higher intelligence. This is conscious activism. This is what we need right now on our planet. This is the deepest work we can do to bring about change.


My intention is to work with the energies that are needed to help others root into their true nature. I desire to be of support and guidance to those seeking to expand, grow, heal and function at a higher level than they have previously known.