If you find yourself feeling out of balance, ask yourself the following questions:
- What is going on?
- How is my physical body? Close your eyes and feel, tune in.
- How is my emotional body? Close your eyes and feel.
- How is my mind? Am I present? Or I am in the past (depressive feelings) or future (anxious states)?
Depressive states usually need a Yang activation: moving your energy, showing up more, facing fears, etc. Depression creates a stagnation in the energy field, so it’s important to clear toxic emotions and traumas and bring flow back into the body and mind.An anxious state is calling for more relaxation – more Yin energy. This is because anxiety means that there is too much movement in the body – too much Yang energy. Integration is needed: space to digest, breathe, slow down.
- What judgments am I entertaining? Who or what is to blame? Notice the story.
- Is this a recurring state? Where in my life do I notice these feelings and stories showing up?
- If my life is a teacher, what am I trying to learn by experiencing this reality? Can I begin to own that my triggers are my gateways to a new way, if I take time to inquire?
- Can I slow down, stop and breathe? If I can’t, have I been consumed by this state and will I need to do some clearing work with a therapist of choice? This is a time to seek support!
- What supportive, loving and kind thing can I action? This can include saying no to things, creating space and prioritising you.
- When balance starts to flow in, notice. In this space, sit down and have a good look, an overview of your life. What is not working and creating imbalance? Ask yourself what choices need to be made to help create a more balanced you, to prevent future disharmony.
Remember that all decisions made from a balanced state will yield a harvest of more balance. If you want to optimise your life, balance must be achieved before any success can be manifested.

4 Month Kambo Immersion

6 Month Group Journey
January 2023