The Gateway of Solstice

The Gateway of Solstice

The winter solstice is akin to the dark night of the soul. As the darkness creeps in, we are moved inwards. This is a period of time available to us that holds the deepest of truths. What lies here in the darkest reaches of our soul? What unknown fears can we lay at...
How To Make Ceremonial Cacao

How To Make Ceremonial Cacao

Ceremonial Cacao Recipe Ceremonial Cacao is a beautiful gift, and our goal is to share its love generously. Purchase the Cacao, follow the ceremonial recipe, and spread this heart-opening elixir with as many friends as possible. Ceremonial Cacao Recipe Ingredients:...

The Teachings of Oak

The Sacred Word One of the Four Agreements (Don Miguel Ruiz) is The Word Is Sacred, but what does this really mean? For me, this goes deep into my core patterns and programs. One of these is a pleasing pattern: a way I try to avoid conflict and getting into trouble. I...

Living with the edge

Finding your edge is a beautiful thing. The edge is the space between an old habit and a new habit. The edge is the point of choice between being a slave to your old belief or becoming a master of your own life. The edge is the pain-pleasure point you are so familiar...

The Path of Semen Retention

Do you remember the last time you were at a point of choice, with the option of ejaculating or saving your powerful seed and use the energy to create in the world? This is where I’m writing from right now. The point of choice. I’ve gone 25 days with semen retention,...